
New Resource for Teachers of French:  The portal website www.french

New Resource for Teachers of French:  The portal website is a a new online resource to support teachers of French in the Republic of Ireland.

Initiated by the French embassy in Ireland and supported by the Department of Education and Science and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, the site was designed and constructed by the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) and the Education Department of NUI, Maynooth. The content of the site has been chosen by practising teachers of French in second-level schools in Ireland.

The site is colour-coded and user-friendly. Teachers can access resources on a chosen theme under the headings Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary. The site also contains worksheets, games and up-to-date articles, all of which can be easily downloaded for classroom use. A theme-based, monthly dossier lists a wide range of other useful websites. A news page and discussion forum give teachers the opportunity to share their opinions on any issues relating to French.

Dyslexia In-Service Training Course for Teachers:  Dyslexia: from theory to practice is a five-week course for teachers run by the Dyslexia Association of Ireland. The course will be held at Arklow Community College, Coolgreany Road, Arklow, Co Wicklow and will run on Saturday, January 21st and 28th, Saturday, February 4th and 25th and Saturday, March 4th. The cost of the course is €250 and pre-booking is essential.


Information and and application forms available from the Dyslexia Association of Ireland, 1 Suffolk Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01-6790276. E-mail:

Application forms can also be downloaded from

Conference at UCD to mark the centenary of the establishment of Sinn Féin and the Ulster Unionist Council:  A two-day conference, Ireland 1905, commemorating the centenary of the establishment of Sinn Féin and the Ulster Unionist council will take place in UCD on December 12th and 13th. The conference will focus on the birth and development of Sinn Féin and the Ulster Unionist Council in the early decades of the 20th century.

Confirmed speakers include: Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, Prof Ronan Fanning, UCD school of history and archives, Dr Michael Laffan, UCD School of History and Archives, Charles Townshend, professor of international history, Keele University, Paul Bew, professor of politics at Queen's University, Belfast, Dr Martin Mansergh, Senator and former special adviser to the Taoiseach, Geoffrey Lewis, author of Carson: The Man who Divided Ireland.

As the conference is free, it is advisable to book early. For bookings and/or more information e-mail:

Oncology Scholars Travel Awards:  In order to encourage the participation of Irish students at cancer conferences, the Irish Cancer Society is making available a travel bursary to students who are at an early stage in their careers.

Applications are invited from students and trainees in the medical, nursing, paramedical and scientific areas, who wish to travel to a scientific conference with a particular focus on cancer.

Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to oncology in their career plans and must also supply a recommendation from the head of their department /supervisor.

Funding will cover travel, registration and accommodation. The maximum award per applicant is €2,000. The Irish Cancer Society will decide all awards, and their decision is final and non-negotiable.

For further details visit

Reasearch Council Post-Doctoral Awards: The Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) has announced details of its "Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellowships" awards. Each fellowship is for € 31,745 a year and is given in the humanities, social sciences, business and law sectors. It may be awarded for up to two years and is aimed at giving young scholars a two-year fellowship in an Irish university or and institute of technology.

Applications for post-doctoral fellowships are open to those who have completed their PhD and wish to continue their research. In 2005, there were 23 fellowship awards, which were given to scholars from Ireland and countries as diverse as Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain and the United States. These awards are made on the basis of a competitive and highly rigorous assessment of the applications by a panel of international experts chaired by Prof Conor Gearty, London School of Economics.

Full details of the Research Council's funding programme are available on Applications must be made by Dcember 12th.

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