Pay increases for post-2012 teachers spelled out

New deal will apply to members of INTO and TUI – but not to 17,000 staff who are in ASTI

The ASTI, which is outside the current agreement, is balloting on settlement proposals, which would give its members the same benefits as other unions. Photograph: The Irish Times

The Department of Education has issued a circular to school managers outlining pay increases that will apply from January 1st, 2017 for recently recruited teachers who have accepted the Lansdowne Road Agreement.

The higher rates will only apply to members of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation and the Teachers’ Union of Ireland, who accepted the public service pay deal.

It will not apply to the 17,000 members of the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI), which is now the only public service union to have rejected the agreement.

From January 1st, a new teacher who would previously have started on €31,009, will earn €32,806.


The current salary scale for those new entrants ranged from €31,009 to €59,940 while the 2017 scale will range from €32,806 to €62,905.

The pay scale for teachers recruited before February 2012 remains unchanged.

The current salary scales, daily and hourly part-time rates payable to teachers who entered teaching before February 2012 remain unchanged.

Teachers who accepted the agreement will receive restoration of payments for substitution and substitution duty.

The ASTI is currently balloting on settlement proposals, which would see their members entitled to the same benefits as other unions.

However, the union leadership has recommended rejection of those proposals.

Industrial action by the ASTI in recent weeks resulted in the closure of hundreds of secondary schools and the loss of three days’ pay for thousands of teachers.

The ASTI is to ballot its 17,000 members in January over fresh proposals aimed which would see their members entitled to the same benefits as other unions. The union’s 180-member central executive has recommended that members reject the proposals.