Principals to get more help during June exams

There is to be a significant expansion of the arrangements that allow second-level schools to hire an "examinations aide" to …

There is to be a significant expansion of the arrangements that allow second-level schools to hire an "examinations aide" to assist the principal in dealing with the certificate examinations.

The expansion in the scheme, introduced on an interim basis last year, was confirmed by the Minister for Education and Science, Dr Michael Woods. "Starting this year, school authorities will be able to engage an examinations aide for a period of up to 15 days per annum to assist the principal during the examinations, or to fully substitute for the principal when she or he is unavailable for any reason," Woods said.

"The significant expansion of the examinations-aide arrangements reflects my support for the valuable work done by schools in relation to the administration of the examinations," Woods said.

Last year the scheme allowed for the employment of someone for five days per school. Woods said he was "particularly pleased that the increase now provided will mean that the period during which the examinations aide may be engaged will not be confined to the June examination period".


A circular detailing the expansion will be issued to schools shortly.