POST-EXAM CELEBRATIONS:PARENTS OF Leaving Cert students were yesterday urged to talk to their children about their post-exam celebrations and provide stay-safe tips.
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, said more than 59,000 young people sat the Leaving Cert and a proportion would be travelling abroad to mark the end of the gruelling exam regime. Director Fiona Ryan appealed to teenagers to be safe and be aware not everyone is drinking. She called on parents to make themselves aware of their children’s plans and remind them they don’t have to drink.
“It’s natural young people are looking forward to celebrating the end of a tough exam season,” Ms Ryan said. “For a significant number, this will involve alcohol. Many could feel that they have to drink alcohol to celebrate and even feel under pressure to do so. We would urge young people to above all be safe and to be aware that not everyone is drinking.”
She urged students to follow a number of guidelines including knowing how to get home, teaming up with a friend, and avoiding “risky” situations including getting into a car with a driver who has been drinking.
“We would urge parents to discuss their children’s plan for the evening, ask where they are going, who they are going with, how and when they plan on getting home,” Ms Ryan added. “Remind them that they don’t have to drink and . . . as a parent tell them you would much prefer they call home than fear the consequences of their drinking.” The charity urged teenagers to be extra vigilant if celebrating abroad, as they would be in an unfamiliar environment.
Ms Ryan suggested people consult