By students in their own words

By students in their own words

I waffled very little you know

Usually I'm quite the geographer, but then again, usually I feel a lot more prepared than I did last night. So how did it go? I will merely say that I would like to marry whoever made that paper.

It went very well, asking the stuff I had prepared, and I waffled very little, knew my facts.


Blogger Mark Walsh from

And I wrote with little or no clue

Sleep deprivation. It seems to be the latest trend lately . . . Having gotten three hours' sleep last night, I got up at 5am to begin more revision . . . With only two people attempting the honours Irish paper, nobody seemed too stressed. Section A, I began writing the letter with little or no clue as to what I was answering. All I knew is that I was writing that average letter almost everyone has learned before . . . Satisfied I had done enough, I left the exam hall, first person to leave, after just 30 minutes. Hopefully paper II will make up my loss - I'm doubtful.

Blogger Colin Lowry from

What's the big deal anyway?

Okay, I've been worrying about the LC for the past two years and it has constantly been on my mind. Everyone was going on about how bad the Leaving Cert is, honestly I don't feel this way. Does anyone feel the same way or am I just mad??

For people that have done nothing and just realised they may have jeopardised chances of going to college, the Leaving Cert is extremely stressful . . .That was me last year. I had panic attacks like every day. And now, where am I?

Doing the LC again. Fun. But, it really is blown outta proportion.
