Pupil-friendly paper wins praise

Verdict: Junior Cert Science: Teachers and students yesterday praised a "well-presented and student-friendly" Junior Certificate…

Verdict: Junior Cert Science: Teachers and students yesterday praised a "well-presented and student-friendly" Junior Certificate science paper.

While some parts of questions were difficult, they were not allocated high marks, according to commentators. Many students were described as "very happy".

"I'd like to congratulate the Department on the presentation of the paper," said skoool.ie subject expert Mr Joe Reville. "It's very important that students have good experience of science at Junior Certificate level to encourage a greater uptake of physics and chemistry for the Leaving Certificate."

Students answered a series of short questions drawn from all aspects of the course followed by longer questions on the topics of physics, chemistry and biology.


None of the questions were considered difficult, except for the later sections which were allocated relatively few marks and designed to give A and B level students a chance to shine.

The ordinary paper, taken by over a third of Junior Certificate science students, was also welcomed.

Louise Holden

Louise Holden

Louise Holden is a contributor to The Irish Times focusing on education