Shari White, Product design engineer

I joined Euristix seven months ago

I joined Euristix seven months ago. I specialise in RACEMAN projects which give users the capability of managing their telecommunications networks graphically. Customers come to us with a set of requirements and we discuss the best way of achieving these and come up with a design. We then start writing the code. Each person on the team is responsible for a particular section. Once the code is written we do our own unit testing - we figure out different ways of breaking the system to make sure that the software is working and can handle any unexpected input. We then do integration tests to ensure that all the separate units can work together with the correct interfaces. Once the integration tests are done we then work with the customer and test the product on site.

The software industry is a constant challenge - you're constantly learning. It's never boring. It's like your working on a puzzle - you get a great sense of satisfaction when you sort it out.

I have a masters degree in computer science from the University of North Texas. I got into computers by accident. I wanted to do music or fashion design and my dad persuaded me to take a computing module. I loved it, found I was good at it and decided to major in computer science. I'm so glad I did - the industry has a great future.