Shoppers rewarded for loyalty

The Students' Union in NUI Maynooth has become the first SU to launch a student "loyalty card", similar to those used by large…

The Students' Union in NUI Maynooth has become the first SU to launch a student "loyalty card", similar to those used by large supermarket chains, is designed to reward students who support students' union services.

The union's various commercial outlets, including the student bar and the stationery, secretarial and catering services, have an annual turnover of £0.5 million. "It's basically like one of the supermarket cards," says the union's student services officer, Brian Gormley. "The only difference is that we are trying to encourage people to get involved in extra-curricular activities as well - their card is stamped when they participate in sports or other activities. Each time they fill up a card, they get entered into a draw. We will probably give away Rag Ball tickets, photocopying cards or tickets to the Arts Ball."

The scheme is based on similar initiatives overseas, and the union hopes to expand it to local businesses. Maynooth students spend more than £14 million annually in the area.