Sean Flynn 's guide to the teacher conferences

Sean Flynn's guide to the teacher conferences

Teachers' Union of Ireland

(13,000 members, including 2,500 in third-level colleges).

Where? Corrib Great Southern, Galway.


When? Today until Thursday.

TUI: A recent history

Famously labelled "USI for grown-ups", the TUI is a left-of-centre union with a radical voice. Some in the union like good old-fashioned militancy. But veteran general secretary Jim Dorney usually manages to rein them in. An example? The TUI voted against the last national pay deal in a ballot of members, but still signed on when a majority in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions backed it. At one stage, the firebrands in the TUI hoped to make common cause with their counterparts in the ASTI, but Dorney's influence meant that the expected alliance never materialised.

Who are the delegates?

About 400 teachers from vocational, community and comprehensive schools and third-level colleges. If this were the 1960s, some would be wearing flowers in their hair. There are other, more earnest types who take conference very seriously. But one thing all delegates have in common is a burning desire to improve the education system. Many delegates work in disadvantaged schools, they know about the under-investment in them.

Craic factor?

High. Like the INTO, delegates to the TUI like to enjoy the conference. Expect dancing and singing. But no risque jokes. Last year, one visiting Northern Ireland trade unionist turned the air blue with a sexist joke. Female delegates were outraged and the offender apologised. This year, there is a conference motion proposing a ban on free drinks for visiting Department officials. The sponsors propose a sherry reception in its place.

What's the story?

The TUI tend to lose out in the publicity stakes to the INTO and the ASTI. But the appointment of new press officer Conor Griffin is helping to raise the profile.

The conference agenda is very impressive with a very good motions on adult education, the Leaving Cert Vocational exams and equality. The union's social conscience is reflected in motions urging support for a ban on Coca Cola. One motion calls on the executive to frame a policy on ageism.

Noel Dempsey watch

After an interminable "on-off" saga, the Minister will, after all, be attending the conference. But the agreement between both sides has left a sour taste for some in the TUI who accuse the Minister of being too pernickety, and too sensitive to criticism. Dempsey took exception to some remarks made by TUI president Derek Dunne at last year's conference. He can expect more rough stuff this year.

What will delegates be discussing?

Whisper it - the succession stakes. Jim Dorney, general secretary since 1982, cannot go on for ever. Or can he? Dorney likes to quote Charlie Haughey, who was fond of saying that some Chinese leaders continued onto their 80s. Other interest will centre on presidential candidate and DIT lecturer Paddy Healy, who is anxious to build bridges with the radical group in the ASTI.