UL course gets you ready for college

Young people leaving school are faced with a bewildering choice of courses and career options

Young people leaving school are faced with a bewildering choice of courses and career options. To help take some of the confusion out of the process, the University of Limerick set up an Introduction to University Programme in 1989, aimed at pre-Leaving Cert students. This is a one-week course held each summer which looks at the courses on offer at the college and also deals with topics such as study skills and career options. The college is offering two programmes this year - June 18th to 22nd and June 25th to 29th. Students work in small groups and are supervised by a group leader and senior faculty members. The programme costs £140 per student and accommodation can be arranged at anadditional cost of £80. For more information contact the programme administrator, Bernie Fitzgerald, on (061) 213059 or check out the details on www.ul.ie/iup

Olive Keogh

Olive Keogh

Olive Keogh is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business