Eidos apologises to archaeologist over Lara Croft

Eidos has publicly apologised to a French archaeologist who saw a character with the same name in one of its Tomb Raider games…

Eidos has publicly apologised to a French archaeologist who saw a character with the same name in one of its Tomb Raider games.

Jean-Yves Empereur was annoyed to discover that Tomb Raider 4 featured a character with the same first name and profession.

In a statement in the French newspaper Le Monde, Eidos Interactive apologised saying any likeness was coincidental.

According to Vnunet.com, the British firm said it could not do anything to remove him from the title in question, but promised not to feature the character again in future episodes.


Mr Empereur is best known for discovering the remains of the Pharos lighthouse near Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.