EIsland first to confirm bid for Eircom

EIsland, the consortium headed by businessman Mr Denis O'Brien became the first of the groups circling the former telecoms monopoly…

EIsland, the consortium headed by businessman Mr Denis O'Brien became the first of the groups circling the former telecoms monopoly Eircom to confirm it had submitted a bid for the firm.

As of the 5 p.m. deadline by which indicative offers for eircom was supposed to be received passed, eIsland said it had submitted a proposal to acquire the shares of Eircom.

The statement gave no indication of the price offered, but said eIsland's letter responds fully to all information requested by Eircom.

RTÉ reported that the Valentia Consortium, led by media magnate Mr Tony O'Reilly and backed by financier Mr George Soros, has also submitted a bid.


There was no word from the third group to express an interest in acquiring the eircom, entrepreneur Mr Dermot Desmond's International Investments and Underwriting. Eircom itself remained tight-lipped.

An Eircom spokeswoman said confidentiality rules prevented it commenting on any bids.

Prior to today's deadline the three Irish-led consortia had been expected to make offers of between 1.20 and 1.25 euros per share valuing what remains of eircom after at the sale of mobile arm Eircell to Vodafone at 2.5-2.75 billion euros.

Weekend press reports suggested US buyout giant Kohlberg Kravis Roberts was also in the running, although there has been no confirmation of its intentions.

Any successful bid for eircom requires the support of 80 per cent of the company's stock.

With bids likely to come in around the same level, the key issue will be which suitor has been most successful in wooing the company's unions, whose Employee Share Ownership Trust holds a crucial 15 per cent of the stock.