South Dublin County Council: Former UFC fighter Holohan elected

All 40 candidates announced with strong peformances for FF, FG and SF


Former UFC fighter Paddy Holohan has won a seat on South Dublin County Council.

The Sinn Féin candidate was elected for Tallaght South on the sixth count. Speaking to reporters in Citywest earlier Mr Holohan promised to hold fellow councillors who made tackling antisocial behaviour in their areas central to their campaigns to account.

He said one thing he had learned from his months of campaigning was the politics can be a dirtier game than MMA. Drawing less than favourable comparisons between his previous life and his future one, the Sinn Féin candidate said that “people give MMA a bad time but they want to check out politics”.

He told The Irish Times that in MMA “when they come at you, you know what they are trying to do. Over here, they come at you smiling and you have to be very careful in this game and I am learning that.”

Fianna Fáil’s Charlie O’Connor was the first to be elected to South Dublin County Council. The veteran councillor who has been involved in public representation since 1991 said it was the first time he had exceeded the quota on the first count in Tallaght Central.

The election was also notable for the success of Baby Pereppadan who suffered racial abuse during the campaign, with some voters in his Tallaght South constituency telling him to “go home” and labelling him a “bloody Pakistani”, even though he is Indian by birth. The Fine Gael representative was elected on the eight count.

Paul Nicholas Gogarty a musical performer and former TD for the Dublin Mid-West constituency from 2002 to 2011 caused some minor confusion among count followers as he stood in both the Lucan and Palmerstown-Fonthill local election alrea. Mr Gogarty was elected for Lucan which he has represented since May 2014.

Local Elections


In Clondalkin, Independent Eoin Ó Broin, not the Sinn Féin TD he bears a passing resemblance to, was elected on the sixth count.

For Labour it was a bad election and in South Dublin County Council Pamela Kearns was its first candidate to be elected, late on Sunday night. Ms Kearns was elected to the Rathfarnham-Templeogue local electoral area at about 8pm. Johanna Tuffy was elected for the party just before 9pm representing Lucan.

The Social Democrats were disappointed by Rob Hunter losing out by less than 30 votes for the last seat in the five-seat Firhouse-Bohernabreena area.

However, there was a tonic for them in Rathfarnham-Templeogue with Carly Bailey taking a seat on the ninth count. Fine Gael’s David McManus and Mary Seery-Kearney and Fianna Fáil’s Yvonne Collins took the final three seats on the council.

(First preference votes: candidates elected in bold)

Clondalkin 7

Emer Higgins (Fine Gael) - 1,966 (elected count 1)
Francis Timmons (Ind) - 1,297 (elected count 4)

Eoin Ó Broin (Ind) - 1,158 (elected count 6)
Trevor Gilligan (Fianna Fáil) - 1,011 (elected count 7)

William Joseph Carey (Sinn Féin) - 768 (elected count 7)
Peter Kavanagh (Green Party) - 925 (elected count 8)
Kenneth Egan (Fine Gael) - 920 (elected count 8)
Robert Dowds (Labour Party) - 956
Cathal O’Donoghue (Fianna Fáil) - 794
Lisa Kinsella–Coleman (Sinn Féin) - 722
Kevin Creagh (Solidarity-PBP) - 597
David Moore (I4C) - 145
Shakeel Jeeroburkan (Ind) - 68

Firhouse - Bohernabreena 5

Deirdre O’Donovan (Fianna Fáil) - 2,344 (elected count 1)
Francis Noel Duffy (Green Party) -1,823 (elected count 2)
Brian Lawlor (Fine Gael) - 1,748 (elected count 4)

Emma Murphy (Fianna Fáil) - 1,550 (elected count 6)
Alan Edge (Ind) - 804 (elected count 8)
Sarah Holland (Sinn Féin) - 725
Rob Hunter (Social Democrats) - 637
Aideen Carberry (Labour Party) - 591
Jess Spear (Solidarity–PBP) - 559
Becky Smith (Fine Gael) - 379

Lucan 5

Paul Nicholas Gogarty (Ind) - 1,509 (elected count 4)
Liona O’Toole (Ind) - 1,100 (elected count 9)
Vicki Casserly (Fine Gael) - 1,316 (elected count 10)
Joanna Tuffy (Labour Party) - 880 (elected count 11)
Ed O’Brien (Fianna Fáil) - 807 (elected count 11)

Caroline Brady (Fine Gael) - 719
Caitríona McClean (Fianna Fáil) - 546
Anne-Marie McNally (Social Dems) - 563
Kellie Sweeney (Solidarity – PBP) - 489
Vanessa Mulhall (Green Party) - 474
Derren Ó Brádaigh (Sinn Féin) - 473
Ruth Nolan (I4C) - 247
Howard Hughes (Renua Ireland) - 230
Anwar Ul Haq Malik (Ind) - 185

Palmerstown - Fonthill 5

Mark Ward (Sinn Féin) - 1,460 (elected count 1)
Paul Nicholas Gogarty (Ind) - 596 (elected count 4)
Alan Hayes (Ind) - 980 (elected count 11)
Gus O’Connell (Ind) - 864 (elected count 11)
Madeleine Johansson (Solidarity–PBP) - 737 (elected count 11)
Shane Moynihan (Fianna Fáil) - 714 (elected count 11)

Derek Keating (Fine Gael) - 630
Jonathan Graham (Fianna Fáil) - 562
Danny O’Brien (Sinn Féin) - 387
David Eaton (Labour Party) - 333
David Morrison (Green Party) - 310
Ruth Nolan (I4C) - 300
David Gardiner (Workers Party) - 227
Stephen Dunne (Ind) - 220
Sikandar Jahanzab (Ind) - 200

Rathfarnham - Templeogue 7

William Priestley (Green Party) - 2,868 (elected count 1)
Ronan McMahon (Ind) - 2,480 (elected count 4)
Pamela Kearns (Labour Party)- 2,220 (elected count 7)
Yvonne Collins (Fianna Fáil) - 1,635 (elected count 9
Mary Seery-Kearney (Fine Gael) - 1,597 (elected count 9)
Carly Bailey (Social Dems) - 1,431 (elected count 9)
David McManus (Fine Gael) - 1,342 (elected count 9)

Paul Foley (Fianna Fáil) - 1,735
Paddy Cosgrave (Labour Party) - 1,174
Conor McMahon (Fine Gael) - 984
Stephen Nugent (Solidarity-PBP) - 734
John Phelan (Aontú) - 659
Lynn McCrave (Fine Gael) - 626
Robert Russell (Sinn Féin) - 516
John Flanagan (Solidarity-PBP) - 341

Tallaght Central 6

Charlie O’Connor (Fianna Fáil) - 2,018 (elected count 1)
Mick Duff (Ind) - 1,483 (elected count 5)
Cathal King (Sinn Féin) - 1,260 (elected count 6)
Liam Sinclair (Green Party) - 907 (elected count 11)
Teresa Costello (Fianna Fáil) - 810 (elected count 11)
Kieran Mahon (Solidarity–PBP) - 756 (elected count 11)

Teresa Duffy (Fine Gael) - 775
Sandra Ruiz (Social Dems) - 730
Mick Murphy (Solidarity-PBP) - 695
Cora McCann (Sinn Féin) - 581
Declan Burke (Fianna Fáil) - 532
Denis Mackin (Labour Party) - 450
Anne Marie Condren (Renua Ireland) - 401
Laura O’Reilly (Solidarity-PBP) - 396

Tallaght South 5

Sandra Fay (Solidarity-PBP) - 643 (elected count 5)
Patrick Pearse Holohan (Sinn Féin) - 872 (elected count 6)
Baby Pereppadan (Fine Gael) - 733 (elected count 8)
Dermot Richardson (Sinn Féin) - 714 (elected count 8)

Louise Dunne (Sinn Féin) - 628 (elected count 8)
Marie Corr (Social Dems) - 519
Brian Leech (Solidarity-PBP) - 445
Emma Hendrick (Solidarity-PBP) - 437
Fiona Nolan (Fianna Fáil) - 343
Suzanne McEneaney (Green Party) - 252
Ray Kelly (Independent) - 246

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