Bathers told to avoid Dublin waters after dangerous jellyfish spotted

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown council issues warning after sighting of lion’s mane jellyfish

Lion’s mane jellyfish. Photograph: iStock

Bathers have been advised to avoid swimming in the water at Sandycove in south Dublin after a dangerous jellyfish was spotted in the area.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council issued the warning when the lion’s mane jellyfish was seen in nearby waters this week.

Warning signs have been erected in the lifeguard-patrolled areas at Sandtcove

“As an added precaution the life guard warning flags are on red and will remain there until further notice. The lifeguards are actively keeping a vigilant eye on the water and bathers,” said the council.


The lion’s mane jellyfish is one of the world’s largest; it can grow to more than 2m wide with tentacles of up to 60m long. The mouth of the jellyfish can be found under its bell-shaped body and it also produces light, making it glow in dark waters.

The jellyfish have hundreds of long, hair-like tentacles and can give bathers a very severe sting. The sting can produce blisters, irritation, muscular cramp and may even affect respiratory and heart function.

Some people can also suffer from anaphylactic shock after being stung. This anaphylactic shock can result in death from heart failure.

Dún Laoghaire councillor Cormac Devlin said that seventeen of the venomous jelly fish were washed up at Sandycove and removed by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council in 2014.

How do you treat jellyfish stings?

– First of all, do not urinate on the jellyfish sting. The Scientific American finally busted this myth, spread by a 1990s scene in the sitcom Friends, that urine eases the pain of the sting. In fact, urine can sometimes cause the sting to burn more.

– Remove any attached tentacles with a gloved hand, stick or towel (if none of these are available, use the tips of your fingers)

– Do not rub the affected area (this may result in further venom release)

– Rinse the affected area with seawater (do not use fresh water, vinegar, alcohol or urine)

– Apply a dry, cold pack to the area (that is, place a cold pack or ice inside a plastic bag and then wrap this package in a T-shirt or other piece of cloth)

– Ensure you don’t get stung yourself when aiding others

– Seek medical attention if there is anything other than minor discomfort

– If the patient is suffering from swelling, breathing difficulties, heart palpitations or chest tightness, get them to the nearest emergency department urgently.