Cyclists to protest for more funding following road deaths

Event prompted by death of Donna Fox, who was killed in collision with lorry in Dublin

Cyclists in Dublin are seeking further funding for infrastructure. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Cyclists will protest outside the Department of Transport on Monday evening over the lack of safe cycling infrastructure and cycle-awareness training for motorists.

The event, organised by the the Dublin Cycling Campaign and, was prompted by the death last month of 30-year-old Donna Fox who was killed in Dublin's north inner city after a lorry hit her as she was cycling to work.

Colm Ryder, chairman of the Irish Cyclists' Advocacy Network, said better cycle facilities are needed to help prevent deaths.

“Altogether nine cyclists – the total for all of 2015 – have lost their lives on Irish roads this year, including two young school boys Tim Ross and Dan Roche, since the start of the school year,” he said.


“School children are the very cohort that we need to get back to cycling to school due to the high incidence of obesity in children.”

Cyclists want adequate funding for cycling as a transport mode, to make it a safe and “normal everyday activity” for people of all ages and abilities to cycle to school, college, work, and to cycle for leisure, Mr Ryder said.

There was also a need for improved driver training in relation to awareness and acceptance of cyclists on the road, he said.

“It’s time that cyclists’ voices were listened to and acted upon. We need to make Ireland safe for cyclists of all ages and abilities. We need to unlock the true potential that cycling investment can provide for this country.”

In addition to the health benefits and reduction in traffic congestion resulting from an increase in cycling, investment in cycling infrastructure made economic senses as it gives the highest rate of return of all transport projects, he said.

However, under the 2016-2021 transport capital plan, the proposed level of investing in “active transport modes” which included walking as well as cycling, is less than 1 per cent of the proposed transport budget.

Cycling campaigners are calling for increased funding for the cycle-to-work scheme in the upcoming budget and for the scheme to be extended to the unemployed.

Cyclists will meet at Merrion Square West at 5.30pm and will cycle to be Department of Transport by 6.15pm.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times