Heritage tree-hunt Climate for change Graveyard watch

HORIZONS: SYLVIA THOMPSON with this week's report

HORIZONS: SYLVIA THOMPSONwith this week's report

Climate for change

Next Thursday is the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day celebrations and while there has been a huge increase in knowledge and understanding of climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy and sustainable development in that time, many argue that the mainstreaming of these ideas hasn’t yet reached a critical mass. The Earth Day Network believes however that climate change can be an opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy for the future. See earthday.org/earthday2010 and be inspired by actions by over one billion people in 190 countries.

Heritage tree-hunt


The protection of our old and unusual trees will be the theme of a public seminar at 9.45am–4pm on Wednesday in the Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. “Currently, heritage trees have no protection and we can only depend on the goodwill of their owners,” says John McLoughlin, director of the Tree Council of Ireland, which took a survey of the Heritage Trees last year. The results will be revealed at the seminar. A heritage tree-hunt in the Gardens will also be launched. Admission €15. B booking on Tel: 01-4931313 or trees@treecouncil.ie.

Graveyard watch

Meanwhile, owners and carers of Historic Graveyards may be interested in attending a seminar on managing these historical sites in King House, Boyle, Co Roscommon between 1.30pm and 6pm on April 23rd.

And the deadline for receipt of applications for the new Irish National Strategic Archaeological Research (Instar) Programme is April 23.

More details available on all of the above on heritagecouncil.ie


This is the new website for this Co Galway organic gardening education centre. The owners, Kay and Will Synott, specialise in on- and off-site training for wildlife, school and community gardens. Samples of award-winning gardens are on the website.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment