Investigation begins into flooding at Letterkenny hospital

Hospital confirms damage is ‘considerably less’ than that caused by last year’s flooding

The emergency department of Letterkenny General Hospital which was flooded last night.

An investigation has begun into the flooding at Letterkenny General Hospital last night, following torrential rain in the area exactly a year after more than €34 million in damage was caused in another flood.

Fire crews and sanitation trucks rushed to the scene of the flood yesterday evening as thousands of gallons of water poured into the grounds of the Co Donegal hospital. The road and hospital park beside the recently refurbished Emergency Department became flooded following torrential downpours, while low levels of water leaked into the department's reception and administrative areas.

Clinical areas in the Emergency Department and general hospital services were not affected.

A JCB digger, which is being rented by the HSE and which has been on standby since the last flood, was used to transport sandbags to the doors of the hospital last night.


Water containers were used to pump thousands of gallons of water from the car park.

A statement from Letterkenny General Hospital has confirmed that yesterday’s damage was “considerably less” than last year’s flooding and that the Emergency Department re-opened after three hours.

An investigation into last year’ s flooding on July 26th found that water damage, caused by a local drain bursting its banks, cut more than 70 per cent of the hospital’s capacity at the time.

The hospital statement said additional CCTV monitoring and regular inspection of water flows and levels had been implemented since then to improve flood management.

The hospital has also introduced a roster of drivers to provide a rapid emergency response, while the West/North West Hospital Group has been granted planning permission to build a new storm flow routing pipe at the hospital.

The flood management works have already begun and are expected to be completed by Autumn 2014, according to the hospital group.

Seán Murphy, General Manager of Letterkenny General Hospital, said the results of the newly launched investigation into last night’s flooding will be published “as soon as is feasible.”

“More than anyone else in Donegal, we want answers,” he said.

A full investigation and report into the cause of last year’s flooding is still being compiled by the HSE.

Local county councillor Gerry McMonagle (SF) who lives close to the hospital, gathered with dozens of other people last night as the drama unfolded.

He said: “We need a full public enquiry into the design of this building and why it was allowed to be built on this location.

“The people of Donegal need answers. This is a disaster. We don’t know how much damage has been caused at this stage.

“It is a year since the last flood. Have we not learned anything from it?” he asked.

Cllr McMonagle also questioned if the HSE will be able to insure the building in the coming months and years.

“The rebuild and refurbishment of this hospital cost €25 million or thereabouts following the last flood. What company would insure this hospital in its current condition?”

Gardaí and the emergency services remained at the hospital last night as further rain continued to fall.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter specialising in immigration issues and cohost of the In the News podcast