Ireland ‘likely to miss’ greenhouse gas reduction targets

EPA says even under most benign scenario emissions will not drop 20% by 2020

According to the EPA the best outcome the State can achieve is to reduce emissions by between 5 and 12 per cent from 2005 levels, well short of the binding emissions reduction target of 20 per cent.

Ireland is likely to miss its greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2020 and as a result is failing in its objective of becoming a low carbon economy, the Environmental Protection Agency warned today.

According to an EPA statement, even in the most benign scenario in which all Government policy measures are adopted and implemented on time, Ireland will not hit its target of cutting carbon emissions by a fifth by 2020.

Although levels of carbon emissions to air and waste generation have slowed due to the economic recession, emissions from agriculture and transportation are proving particularly problematic for Ireland.

According to the EPA the best outcome the State can achieve is to reduce emissions by between 5 and 12 per cent from 2005 levels, well short of the binding emissions reduction target of 20 per cent.


As a result the State could face prosecution and fines from the European Commission.

The State has already been referred to the European Court of Justice for failing to fully transpose the EU’s renewable energy directive.

The directive also includes a requirement that the EU derive 20 per cent of its energy consumption from renewable sources.

EPA director general Laura Burke said the State must invest in structural and behavioural changes to achieve a "carbon neutral and climate resilient" economy.

She said these changes included the rapid decarbonisation of energy and transport and the adoption of sustainable food production, management and consumption systems.

She added that for the period 2020 to 2030, greenhouse gas emissions are projected to be 11 per cent higher again than in 2020 if further policies and measures are not in place to curb the growth in carbon intensity.