Is this a baby turtle I found in Killiney? Readers’ nature queries

Ethna Viney on freshwater terrapin, tortoiseshell butterflies, birds and foxes

A freshwater terrapin found on White Rock beach in Killiney, Co Dublin

I found this baby turtle on the steps leading up from White Rock beach, Killiney. and returned it to the sea. Later, zooming in on the photo, I realised that it had traces of blood around its mouth and wondered had I done the wrong thing. – Véronique Piales, Killiney, Co Dublin
It was not a sea turtle. Marine biologist Grace Flannery tells me that it's a freshwater terrapin species native to North America and frequently sold here as a pet. It won't survive saltwater or the temperature.

This butterfly has been indoors here in December. – Annie Mulholland, Foxrock, Dublin 18
Small tortoiseshell butterflies come indoors to hibernate in winter, often in the folds of curtains. The warmth of central heating wakes them up and they think spring and summer has arrived.

This fox has become a regular visitor to the town square in Durrow, Co Laois

This fox has become a regular visitor to our town square. We are hoping he will stay safe as he has become a local celebrity. – Ann Lanigan, Durrow, Co Laois

Birds sheltering and keeping their heads warm

We saw more than 50 indeterminate birds on the South Wall in Dublin Port on a very cold day, all gathered together and behaving strangely in the same way with their heads tucked in. – Leo Gibson, Castleknock, Dublin 15
They were sheltering and keeping their heads warm tucked in under their wings.

A pied wagtail’s nest in Louisburgh, Co Mayo

We removed all 120cm of this nest from the cooker extractor fan duct. I'm guessing it's a pied wagtail's work as they have nested nearby in the stone wall. – Geraldine MItchell, Louisburgh, Co Mayo

Ethna Viney welcomes observations and photographs at Thallabawn, Louisburgh, Co Mayo, F28 F978, or by email at Please Include a postal address.