Last week Dad left his window open at work and a feral pigeon came in, built a nest and laid an egg. There were loads of feathers and it destroyed the place.
Julia Collins, Navan, Co Meath
I found this insect in my back yard.
Eamonn Ó Liatháin, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick

It’s the poplar hawkmoth, a native moth. The larvae feed on poplar and sallow.
The leaves of the oak tree in our garden are covered with sticky stuff on which there appear to be many aphids. What caused it and is it harmful?
Eoin C Bairéad, Dublin
The aphids caused it. It's honeydew excreted by the aphids and can cause a sooty mould on the leaves. But it is collected by some bees and wasps, and ants farm aphids for the honeydew as food.
What is this insect, which I saw in my garden? It was an inch in length.
Brenda Morrisey, Ballyvaughan, Co Clare

It’s the green lacewing, a friend in the garden as it eats aphids.
Is this a butterfly, which we found on bogland near Maam Cross, Co Galway?
Barbara Browne, Knockmore, Co Mayo

It’s the green hairstreak butterfly, which is quite common in similar habitats in west Mayo and Galway.
While walking on Maumtrasna, Co Galway, I came across this lizard being eaten by a beetle. I'm not sure if this has ever been recorded before.
Jimmy Barry, Monard, Co Tipperary

We found these eggs on the beach at Dog's Bay in Connemara. We didn't see any adult birds so we don't know what laid them.
Kirsten Fitzgerald, Inchicore, Dublin 12

They are the eggs of the ringed plover, which lays them in a depression in the sand.
Ethna Viney welcomes observations and photographs at Thallabawn, Louisburgh, Co Mayo, F28 F978, or by email at Include a postal address.