Milder weather in store for Bank Holiday weekend

Rest of Friday unsettled, but Saturday will be warmer and sunnier than recent days

A sunrise visit to the summit of Donegal's Mount Errigal shows an unseasonably high amount of fresh snow on the mountain. Video: Iain Miller

While the remainder of Friday looks to be unsettled with a mix of sun, rain, hail and thunder, the weather for the Bank Holiday weekend looks more promising.

There is still the possibility of sleet on higher ground this evening but Met Éireann says Saturday will be much warmer than recent days, bringing sunshine and higher temperatures, ranging from 9-12 degrees .

"There will be lots of sunshine, a few scattered showers throughout the day and a spell of rain on Saturday night, but Sunday will be a bit milder again," says Met Éireann forecaster, Deirdre Lowe.

While temperatures are expected to reach 12- 15 degrees on Sunday, heavy showers are expected by night-time.


Monday is looking set to be windy with fresh and gusty westerly winds, with temperatures of10-12 degrees .

It’s not the type of weather people expect for the May bank holiday weekend, but Lowe says that on average, this spring has been much colder, while winter has been much milder than ususal.