Planning bid for Baldoyle-Portmarnock cycle and walkway

Fingal County Council has lodged papers with An Bord Pleanála for the 1.8km scheme

‘It will in time connect to a more extensive cycling network’. Photograph: istock

An application to construct a cycle and walkway between Baldoyle and Portmarnock in Dublin has been submitted to An Bord Pleanála.

Fingal County Council submitted the application for the 1.8km route for pedestrians and cyclists adjacent to the coast road (R106) from Red Arches Road to just south of the coast road/Station Road roundabout.

The proposal consists of a three metre-wide cycle track and two metre-wide footpath separated by a 2.4 metre-wide grass verge. It is located in the Racecourse Park.

It would also involve the construction of a new 30-metre long, four metre-wide bridge over the Mayne River, and the upgrading of the existing priority junction between the coast road and Moyne Road to a signal-controlled junction with pedestrian facilities.


The plans also outline the provision of toucan crossing facilities on the coast road at either end of the proposed scheme. These are wide walkways, painted on the road, to facilitate pedestrians and cyclists crossing the road. It acknowledges that diversions will be required, while some existing services may be moved underground.

Other elements of the scheme include the provision of a “controllable, intelligent” public lighting system, landscaping, signage, and other works ancillary to the construction and operation of the development.

A Natura Impact Assessment has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.

An Bord Pleanála may give approval to the application for development with or without conditions or may refuse the application for development.


Social Democrats councillor Cian O’Callaghan said the development – if it goes ahead – would be a “key piece of infrastructure”.

“It will in time connect to a more extensive cycling network [including] the Sutton to Sandycove cycling route to the south and to a route linking Malahide Castle and Newbridge House travelling north,” he said.

“If planning permission is granted, work could start on this scheme later this year. It will take about six months for construction to be completed.

“The cycling and walking route will be off-road and will be separated by a grass margin in the middle, making the route safer and more comfortable for both cyclists and pedestrians.

“At the high point of the route there will be a spectacular view over the Baldoyle Estuary towards Howth and Ireland’s Eye. This will be a wonderful amenity for local residents and tourists and as well as providing essential cycling connectivity for commuters.”

A copy of the Natura Impact Statement and the plans may be inspected free of charge or purchased at a cost of €100 at the offices of Fingal County Council until March 23rd.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter