Roscommon hottest spot with temperatures over 30 degrees

Swimmers advised to take care as thousands flock to beaches in ‘once in a decade’ highs

We're getting a break from the rain as temperatures are set to hit 28C on Tuesday in parts of the country making it the hottest day of the year so far. Inland areas will experience the warmest weather. Video: Bryan O'Brien

It’s official. Tuesday has become the hottest day of the year so far with temperatures reaching 30 degrees in Roscommon by early afternoon.

Described as a "unique" and a "once in a decade" event, Ireland basked in Tuesday's summer heat as temperatures in the high 20s spread across the country.

Met Éireann issued a high temperature warning on Monday for the first time in three years as hot southern air from Spain moved in across Ireland with a south-easterly wind.

By 2pm on Tuesday, it was 30 degrees in Mount Dillon in Roscommon making it hotter than American tourist hotspot Orlando.


Costa del Roscommon may even creep towards Athens heat levels as there is a chance of temperatures climbing to 31 degrees by the late afternoon, according to Met Éireann forecaster Harm Luijkx.

Temperatures were slightly lower near the coast with 24.9 degrees in Phoenix Park and 23.7 in Dublin airport.

Sadly that warm Mediterranean breeze is not set to last as temperatures begin dropping to normal levels on Wednesday with widespread rain forecast on Thursday.

The rain is due to continue for the rest of Thursday but will clear slowly overnight. Temperatures will fall back to the low 20s on Wednesday and even further on Thursday.

A yellow weather warning, the lowest level, is issued if temperatures go above 27 degrees. The last time a high temperature warning was given was in 2013, according to Met Éireann spokesman Hugh Daly. He describes it as a "gentle alert" for people who may be affected by high temperatures.

For those of you not stuck inside on this glorious day and enjoying the normally untouched white sand beaches our island has to offer, the Environmental Protection Agency is reminding people to take care when swimming and observe any advisory signs or safety hazards.

Swimmers are also warned to be careful about a new breed of “highly venomous” jellyfish stalking the east coast of the country.

John Leech of Irish Water Safety told RTÉ's Morning Ireland that in recent years the Lion's Mane jellyfish has become more plentiful in the waters around Ireland with reported sightings along the east coast in Louth, Meath, Dublin, Wicklow, Wexford.

Mr Leech also said that they had received a report on Monday of a Portuguese man o'war jellyfish on Carne beach in Wexford which he described as even more venomous than the Lion's Mane jellyfish". The Irish Water Safety website has an ID card of jellyfish and treatments.

While most people will be rushing outdoors to enjoy today’s heat wave, nearly 20 per cent of the Irish population will be forced to hide away from the warm air as they cough and splutter their way through the high levels of pollen being experienced this summer.

Though the tree pollen season is over, Met Éireann advise the grass pollen count will be “high” across the provinces today. Weed pollen will be at low to moderate levels and fungal spores will be high.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter and cohost of the In the News podcast