EU advocates digital technologies in small firms

The European Economic and Social Committee (ESC) has recommended creating a pan-European information network for SMEs (small …

The European Economic and Social Committee (ESC) has recommended creating a pan-European information network for SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) adopting e-commerce solutions.

The communication aims back the eEurope Action Plan and speed up the implementation of programmes to help SMEs start trading on the Internet.

It includes proposals on the benchmarking of national and regional strategies in support of e-business, improved access to information and the collation of feedback for policymaking purposes.

Also included in the ESC's proposal is the call for more information for SMEs on the benefits of "going digital", more European funding, more training for SME employees and owners and an improved legal and regulatory framework to serve e-commerce SMEs at national, European and international levels.


It also calls for up-to-date comparative data for assessment of actions as well as for measurement of the development of know-how and the SMEs' absorption of know-how.

In its proposal, the ESC said it was concerned about the gap between the number of SMEs using e-commerce in Europe compared with the USA and some Southrast Asian countries.

"The ESC feels that the highly conservative spirit and lack of the relevant culture which characterise a very large number of SMEs are a very serious factor delaying and limiting efforts and actions for which there is a pressing need," the ESC said it is proposal.