EU to foster links with neighbouring states

The European Commission today approved a series of agreements with neighbouring countries which it is hoped will guarantee peace…

The European Commission today approved a series of agreements with neighbouring countries which it is hoped will guarantee peace and security beyond its borders.

The agreements, which take the form of Action Plans, have been approved for Moldova, Ukraine, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority and form part of the European Neigbourhood Policy.

The agreements are specific to each country and are designed to help strengthen democracy and human rights.

"My aim is to create a ring of friends around the borders of our enlarged EU" said Ms Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy.


"We have worked with our neighbours to devise tailor-made plans that meet the needs and reflect the requests of each partner. Our offer - greater co-operation, more financial assistance, and a chance to benefit from a closer relationship with Europe."

The agreements offer the chance to participate in some EU programmes, including education, research and the environment. The action plan also hopes to foster stability by targeting cross border issues such as migration, trafficking and terrorism.

EU Foreign Ministers are expected to approve the deals on Monday.