Eye on Nature

Your observations on nature.

Your observations on nature.

Grey squirrels have been coming to our bird feeders in winter, but lately a female has been coming to the kitchen window where we give her peanuts and small crusts of toast.

From time to time, her teats are very large and pink. For a short time her tail went very thin and lost all its "feathers". We wonder now whether she is living in our attic, because before she appears, we can hear scampering noises.

How often can they have young, and how many? Will she make a terrible mess?


Anne Cowie, Blessington, Co Wicklow

Grey squirrels have been known to build dreys (nests) in lofts and should not be encouraged as they could chew electric cables. Close the entry hole, having ensured that she and any young ones are gone.

Squirrels have a spring litter if the winter is good or, more usually, one in summer. Litter size is usually three but can be more.

The tail and ear tufts moult once a year and grow new hair in late summer and autumn. Their body fur moults twice a year in spring and autumn.