Family of murdered apprentice 'totally devastated'

The uncle of the 20-year-old apprentice plumber shot dead in Finglas on Tuesday spoke last night of his family's devastation.

The uncle of the 20-year-old apprentice plumber shot dead in Finglas on Tuesday spoke last night of his family's devastation.

Anthony Campbell, from the St Michan's House flats in Dublin's north inner city, was killed during the attack on drug dealer Martin "Marlo" Hyland.

The young plumber had been carrying out work on the house in which Hyland was staying at Scribblestown Park. It is believed he was killed to ensure there would be no witnesses to Hyland's murder.

Speaking last night to The Irish Times, Mr Campbell's uncle, Martin Hickey, said he and the rest of the family were in deep shock at the loss of his nephew. "We're totally devastated," he said. "He went to work and got a bullet in his head."


Mr Hickey said his nephew's parents formally identified their son's body at about 12.30pm yesterday. "We viewed the body this morning but only his parents were let in," he said. "He's still lying out there because they won't release the body for another five days."

It emerged yesterday Mr Campbell had been recently let go from work and had been doing a "nixer" at the house where he was murdered so that he could earn some extra money for Christmas.

The well-liked youngster's killing has had a crippling effect on what is a very close-knit community at the St Michan's House flats complex on Greek Street.

Mr Campbell had helped set up a local youth football team and was described by locals as an honest, hard-working member of the community.