Farmers face turf cutting restrictions

TURF cutting by farmers in areas designated as Special Areas of Conservation will be phased out from 1997 onwards but farmers…

TURF cutting by farmers in areas designated as Special Areas of Conservation will be phased out from 1997 onwards but farmers will be compensated for any losses incurred.

The Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht confirmed yesterday to the Irish Farmers' Association that restrictions on turf cutting are being introduced but turf cutting will not be automatically prohibited this year.

An IFA statement from its western development committee chairman, Mr Michael Deenihan, said the Department had indicated its intention to phase out cutting over a period of time but farmers would be allowed to cut turf for their own domestic use.

Mr Deenihan advised farmers to consider lodging an appeal against SAC designation, particularly in areas included in SACs but which have no environmental value. The formal appeal procedure is currently being put in place.


Mr Deenihan said farmers have two options for compensation. One involves topping up existing payments under the Rural Environment Protection Scheme by £15 an acre or, alternatively, allowing the Department to assess the loss to a farmer on a case by case basis.