Fears grow for missing Fermanagh angler

Fears heightened tonight for the safety of a missing angler on Upper Lough Erne in Co Fermanagh.

Fears heightened tonight for the safety of a missing angler on Upper Lough Erne in Co Fermanagh.

A new search failed to find any sign of 43-year-old father of three Mr Gordon Duncan from Windmill Heights, Enniskillen.

The experienced angler vanished on Monday afternoon and his small dinghy was later found in shallow water close to Bellanaleck Marina.

Friends said Mr Duncan may have taken ill and fallen into the water.


The alarm was raised when tourists spotted the dinghy floating at Cleenish Island with no-one on board. Police search teams joined the Coastguard, RNLI and a rescue helicopter in the search.

At one stage coastguards held out the hope he may have managed to swim ashore at one of the lough's tiny islands.

It had been thought that Mr Duncan had been wearing a lifejacket but the discovery of one at his home has cast doubt on this.