Fears over jobs at aircraft-maintenance firm

There are fears over workers' jobs at SR Technic, an aircraft technical-support firm, following the news that it is to hold a…

There are fears over workers' jobs at SR Technic, an aircraft technical-support firm, following the news that it is to hold a meeting with staff tomorrow.

In a statement tonight, Siptu said union representatives will meet SR Technic CEO tomorrow at 8.30am at the company’s premises at Dublin airport for a briefing on the future of the company.

Staff are to be briefed at 9.30am by the company.

Labour TD Tommy Broughan, the party's spokesman on transport, said there was grave concern over the reports coming from the maintenance company.


"This is a very grave situation given that this hugely significant company employs around 1,200 permanent workers and has hundreds more seasonal and contract staff," he said.

"Earlier this year SR Technics received a devastating blow when it lost a significant Gulf Air contract. Very regrettably, last year, SR Technics also lost three out of four of its longstanding Aer Lingus maintenance contracts."