FF accuses Barrett of complacency over catches

THE Fianna Fail marine spokesman, Mr Michael Smith, has accused the Minister for the Marine of complacency over alleged under…

THE Fianna Fail marine spokesman, Mr Michael Smith, has accused the Minister for the Marine of complacency over alleged under reporting of fish catches by EU vessels in Irish waters.

Mr Smith said yesterday he was "astounded" at Mr Barrett's attitude. Earlier this week, Mr Barrett had disputed an Irish Times report that the European Commission was aware of underreporting up to 1,000 per cent.

Acknowledging the problem, which relates to so called "flagships" or flag of convenience vessels in particular, a Commission spokesman had told The Irish Times it was up to each member state to take action over such infringements. "There is clear evidence in abundance right across the Community of these abuses," Mr Smith said, also criticising Brussels for "turning a blind eye" to the scale of industrial fishing in EU waters.

Undersized fish were being caught, quotas were being exceeded and the latest loophole was the practice whereby vessels with no set quotas in Irish waters were unloading from those with licences to fish, to allow the latter to continue fishing without losing valuable sea time in good weather, he added.


The Department of the Marine says control of illegal fishing is improving and more than £1.3 million was taken in fines - and forfeits last year.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times