FF marks 75th anniversary

The Taoiseach will today give a keynote speech on Fianna Fail's role in modern Ireland to mark the 75th anniversary of the foundation…

The Taoiseach will today give a keynote speech on Fianna Fail's role in modern Ireland to mark the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the party.

Mr Ahern will give his address at a lunchtime meeting of his parliamentary party in Dublin's Mansion House, the scene of the first meeting of the first Dail in 1919. Fianna Fail was founded in 1926 in Dublin's La Scala theatre, which has since been knocked down.

Almost all of the Fianna Fail parliamentary party, comprising 73 TDs, 31 senators and six MEPs, will assemble on the plinth outside Leinster House at 1.30 p.m. before walking to the Mansion House for the event. The gathering replaces the usual Wednesday meeting of the parliamentary party.

In his speech Mr Ahern is expected to range over Fianna Fail's role in the State's history and the role it can play in the future.


The meeting starts a series of events planned by the party to mark the anniversary. Local party organisations around the State are planning their own events in the coming months, including meetings, ceremonies and social functions. Some would have taken place earlier but party headquarters instructed the organisation to observe the restrictions on public gatherings aimed at stopping the spread of foot-and-mouth disease.