FG to seek Dail support for Finucane inquiry

Fine Gael is to seek all-party Dail support for a full public inquiry into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane.

Fine Gael is to seek all-party Dail support for a full public inquiry into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane.

The party's front bench tonight agreed on the wording of a Private Members' Motion on the issue and it will be debated in coming weeks.

Loyalist paramilitaries shot Mr Finucane 14 times in his home as he sat eating a Sunday meal with his family in 1989.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny recently suggested the idea of the Dail motion to Mr Finucane's widow, Geraldine, who was wounded in the attack.


"Last week, I raised the matter directly with the Taoiseach who indicated that he was in favour of such an initiative," Mr Kenny said. "The motion is designed to send a strong message from the Dail to support the establishment of a full public inquiry in line with the recommendations of Judge Peter Cory who has rejected as inadequate the limited form of inquiry proposed by the British Government."

The proposal will be circulated to other party leaders in the Dail.

Mr Finucane's son, Michael appeared before the Oireachtas Sub-Committee on Human Rights in Leinster House earlier this month.

The family has met all political party leaders north and south in recent weeks, including DUP leader Rev Ian Paisley.

The Fine Gael motion commends the Finucane family for its campaign seeking truth and justice. It also deplores the British government's failure to honour its commitment to implement Judge Cory's recommendations.

Finally, it calls for the immediate establishment of a full public inquiry into the murder of Mr Finucane along the lines recommended by Judge Cory.