Fianna Fail accused of stifling debate on joining PfP

AFRI has accused elements within Fianna Fail of attempting to suppress debate on Ireland's proposed membership of Partnership…

AFRI has accused elements within Fianna Fail of attempting to suppress debate on Ireland's proposed membership of Partnership for Peace, after a discussion on the issue, due to take place at a party meeting last night in the Taoiseach's Dublin Central constituency was called off at the last minute.

The director of AfrI (Action from Ireland), Mr Joe Murray, who was invited to speak at the meeting only to be told yesterday the debate would not be taking place, said Fianna Fail had "resisted every attempt to have an open discussion on PfP. What forum is there for ventilating the issues involved if opportunities like this are missed?"

The debate was called off by a constituency secretary, Ms Mary O'Donnell, who is opposed to membership of PfP and is critical of Mr Ahern's failure to honour his commitment to hold a referendum on the issue. She stressed that "nobody brought any pressure on me whatsoever. This was a decision I made myself".

However, Mr Murray said the move highlighted the sense of unease within Fianna Fail about its position on PfP. "There is a significant body within the party against PfP, or at least want it to honour its position to consult the people before joining, and there is clearly another faction which doesn't want any debate to take place."


The party's West Dublin cumann has already passed a motion against membership of the NATO-sponsored body. Fianna Fail's foreign policy advisory group has recommended a referendum, with a majority of members opposed to Ireland joining.

Ms O'Donnell said she believed members of the parliamentary party were also against PfP but none was willing to speak out. "I've been a member of the Fianna Fail party for the past 25 years and I've never been so shocked. Ireland can play a far greater role from a position of concerned neutrality rather than getting involved in a military alliance like NATO."

One of the party's Dublin TDs was due to speak in favour of PfP at last night's meeting.

Meanwhile, the Teachers' Union of Ireland has backed the call for a referendum on PfP. It said the Government should invest in education rather than further military expenditure.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column