Fifth of Leaving Cert appeals receive upgrades

Letters to over 10,000 Leaving Certificate students who appealed their marks are being sent out today and a fifth of appellants…

Letters to over 10,000 Leaving Certificate students who appealed their marks are being sent out today and a fifth of appellants will receive good news.

Over 20 per cent of students who appealed their results will receive upgrades to their marks, according to the State Examinations Commission.

Appeal applications were made against 10,299 results in 30 subjects, leading to 2,192 upgrades with only five students having their results downgraded.

For the first time, all oral tests in language subjects were recorded allowing all elements of the examination to be appealed.


In the appeal process the work of each candidate is fully remarked question by question by a different examiner to the one who originally marked the work.

The highest number of upgrades (399) was in higher level English.

The work of four assistant examiners was also reviewed, culminating in 358 upgrades for candidates who had not appealed.

There were also upgrades in French for 10 candidates who had not appealed following a quality assurance review of the aural test in two examination centres.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times