Fine Gael briefs TDs and Senators on hospitals issue

FINE GAEL is trying to deal with what it sees as communications problems over the Roscommon hospital issue by sending a comprehensive…

FINE GAEL is trying to deal with what it sees as communications problems over the Roscommon hospital issue by sending a comprehensive background briefing to parliamentary party members.

In a detailed e-mail sent by party officials, which has been seen by The Irish Times, the TDs and Senators were given a step-by-step guide to the issues from a Fine Gael viewpoint.

The document relies heavily on the findings of the Health Information and Quality Authority.

It highlights the authority’s view that the Roscommon emergency unit did not have sufficient volumes of patients to provide a safe service “even if additional resources were made available”.


No matter how many doctors were assigned, they would become deskilled because of the low throughput of patients at “approximately 30 a day”. The document adds: “A 24-hour AE service would not make Roscommon Hospital safe.”

With local feeling running high, there have been suggestions that Taoiseach Enda Kenny may not attend the Connacht senior football final on Sunday in the GAA grounds at Dr Hyde Park in Roscommon town. Mr Kenny’s home county of Mayo is playing Roscommon.

A spokesman for Mr Kenny said last night: “The Taoiseach’s weekend diary is being finalised.” When asked if the possibility of hospital protests at the game would dissuade Mr Kenny from attending, the spokesman said: “That wouldn’t be a factor.”

Minister for Health James Reilly convened a special meeting on the hospitals issue at Leinster House yesterday afternoon which was attended by about 50 Fine Gael backbenchers.

Waterford backbencher John Deasy asked Dr Reilly how many promises he had made before the election, “written or otherwise”.

Another backbencher who was present said: “Everybody has their concerns about their own local hospitals. It’s about communicating the message and explaining it along the way.

“The public are expecting change and expecting things to be done differently, but the challenge is to explain what we’re doing.”

Party chairman Charles Flanagan told The Irish Times: “There were concerns expressed at the need for reassurances to communities on the matter of health services and the Minister undertook to address these concerns.”

The TDs and Senators met for an hour and adjourned for further discussions later.

Sinn Féin TD Peadar Tóibín, chairman of the Save Navan Hospital Campaign, has given a cautious welcome to the Government’s commitment to retain emergency services at Our Lady’s Hospital in the town. He led a delegation of the campaign in a meeting yesterday with Dr Reilly and senior Health Service Executive management.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper