Fine Gael calls for Attorney General's resignation

Michael McDowell and Liz O’Donnell
Michael McDowell pictured alongside party colleague Liz O’Donnell having returned to the PD fold. Photgraph: Piaras Murphy.

The Attorney General should resign his position after declaring himself a candidate in the upcoming general election, according to Fine Gael leader, Mr Michael Noonan.

The Progressive Democrats have rejected the call for Mr Michael McDowell to resign rejecting the claim that as president of the PD’s and an election candidate could cause a conflict of interest for the Attorney General.

It is entirely inappropriate that someone who is actively involved in party politics should at the same time be the Government's principal legal adviser and the defender of the public interest.
Mr Michael Noonan

The Tanaiste, Ms Harney said: "There is absolutely no conflict of interest".

But the Fine Gael leader believes the Attorney General’s decision makes it impossible for his to remain in his current post.


"I call on him to resign his position as Attorney General.

"That position is by now well established as non-party political and it is entirely inappropriate that someone who is actively involved in party politics should at the same time be the Government's principal legal adviser and the defender of the public interest," Mr Noonan said.

Asked whether there would be any conflict with being the Government's legal advisor and the PD’s president, Mr McDowell said: "It is one thing to have your own opinion in certain areas, it’s another to express it. I have no difficulty in not expressing my opinion."

Mr McDowell would not confirm whether he would still be available for the AG post after the general election. "I’m not going to speculate what’s going to happen after the election," he said.

The Progressive Democrats scored a pre-election coup last night when they announced that Attorney General Mr Michael McDowell would once again stand for the party in the Dublin South East constituency.

Ms Harney added that PD's election hopes were a lot higher than they had been "this time yesterday".

"The decision of Michael McDowell and Tom Parlon to run for the Progressive Democrats is very significant," she said.

The Sinn Féin Candidate for Dublin South East, Mr Daithí Doolan, described the announcement as political opportunism and went on to say: "The PDs have had to create the position of party president to satisfy McDowell's ego. This does not reflect the kind of politics people need.

"In his own words he has done no work on the ground in the constituency, and I am confident the electorate will see this for what it is," said Mr Doolan.