Fine Gael has most women running

Local elections/women candidates: The Green Party and the Socialist Party have the highest proportions of female candidates …

Local elections/women candidates: The Green Party and the Socialist Party have the highest proportions of female candidates in the local elections.

Six of the Socialist Party's 14 local authority candidates are women - which equates to 43 per cent of those running for the party. Some 37 per cent of the Green Party's candidates seeking election on June 11th are women.

Numerically, Fine Gael is running most female candidates - 175 out of 755, or 23 per cent.

The PDs, who introduced their women candidates at an event in Dublin yesterday, do better proportionally with 30 per cent female candidates.


The Greens are putting up 59 women from a total of 159 candidates, while the PDs are running 38 women from a total of 128.The women candidates in the PDs are campaigning with the message "More woman's way, less boys' own".

The party cited figures produced by the National Women's Council which suggest that it will take 370 years for the proportion of women in the Dáil to reach 50 per cent.

There are 46 women among Sinn Féin's 204 local candidates, about 22 per cent. Labour is putting up 62 women among its 304 local candidates, which represents some 20 per cent.

Fianna Fáil does worst proprotionally, with 161 women running among 960 candidates, some 17 per cent.

Arthur Beesley

Arthur Beesley

Arthur Beesley is Current Affairs Editor of The Irish Times