Fire in Dublin mountains endangered homes

Smoke from the gorse fire in the Dublin mountains as seen from City centre.<b> Photograph: Piaras Murphy </b>

Smoke from the gorse fire in the Dublin mountains as seen from City centre. Photograph: Piaras Murphy

A gorse fire that threatened to engulf several houses in south county Dublin has been brought under control.

Nine units of Dublin Fire Brigade were sent to deal with the fire at the Barnacullia area, near Glencullen, in the Dublin mountains, that broke out at around 11.40 am.

The fire, which was brought under control at around 4pm, threatened to reach as many as nine houses at one stage, a Fire Brigade spokesman said.

"There were two ESB pylons that collapsed - which it made it more difficult and more dangerous for our people," the spokseman said.


Access problems up the narrow country roads added to the difficulty of getting units close to the fire along with low local water pressure because of the altitude, he added.

However, firefighters managed to get access to the lands around the houses - centred around the Blue Light bar - and protect the buildings before the fire got too close.

Two Fire Brigade units remain at the scene.