Fire partially destroys New York cathedral

A fire has partially destroyed New York's St John the Divine cathedral, one of the world's largest cathedrals.

A fire has partially destroyed New York's St John the Divine cathedral, one of the world's largest cathedrals.

"It broke out in the gift shop. It's very serious. But that's all I know right now", a senior New York fire department official said. The gift shop is housed in an unfinished structure and firefighters expressed concern about its stability.

About 200 firefighters and 48 units fought the blaze. There are no reports of casualties.

Smoke filled the entire church and was billowing out the massive front doors of the Episcopal cathedral.


"The first alarm came in at 6.42 a.m. (11.42 a.m. Irish time) and we were here three or four minutes later," said firefighter Mr Gary Grillo.

Building of the cathedral, at 112th Street, in Manhattan, began in 1892, and it is still being built.