Fishermen take protest to Cork Harbour

Fishermen are continuing their protest against high fuel prices and fish-quota system today with a demonstration in Cork Harbour…

Fishermen are continuing their protest against high fuel prices and fish-quota system today with a demonstration in Cork Harbour.

Vessels from a number of ports in Waterford and Wexford are taking part in the protest, with boats from Kilmore Quay, Dunmore-East, Kinsale, and Castletownbere attending.

Last week, the Federation of Irish Fishermen (FIF) staged a march to Leinster House in Dublin and warned that unless the EU introduces subsidies for the industry, similar to those given to farmers and food producers, then huge numbers of fishermen face bankruptcy.

The FIF claims 50 to 70 per cent of a trawler’s turnover is being spent on fuel.


It wants fleets to be paid not to go to sea as part of a temporary rota-based system regulating commercial fishing as fuel costs soar.

The organisation also wants stricter controls on traceability so consumers can see where the fish they are buying was caught.

EU Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg has conceded that there is a crisis in the fishing industry. Earlier this week he confirmed that there had been a 240 per cent hike in the price of fuel since 2004, but he has ruled out fuel subsidies or higher quotas as “false solutions”.

EU leaders are set to discuss the impact of high oil prices on Europe's fisheries sector at a summit on June 23rd.