Fishing tragedy to be investigated

The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources has initiated an investigation into the loss of two Donegal fishermen at sea…

The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources has initiated an investigation into the loss of two Donegal fishermen at sea over the weekend.

Dr Woods, who visited the families of the missing men in Rosbeg and Narin yesterday, also expressed his shock and sympathy at the loss of fishermen on the Spanish vessel Pescalanza, which capsized off the south-west coast yesterday.

The search for Mr Michael Jack Boyle and Mr Thomas Moore will resume at first light today, after bad weather hampered efforts by Garda divers to search the sunken vessel. The 36-foot Lisa Selena was found by members of Burtonport sub-aqua club in 127 feet of water some two miles west of Loughros Point on Sunday.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times