French trawler crew rescued off Cork coast

Five French trawlermen were released from hospital in Cornwall last night, safe and well, after an ordeal at sea during which…

Five French trawlermen were released from hospital in Cornwall last night, safe and well, after an ordeal at sea during which they had to abandon their vessel and take to a life-raft.

Valentia Radio in Co Kerry, Brest Radio in France and the Falmouth Coastal Service in Britain became involved after the Genesty sent out a distress call saying it was taking on water and was in imminent danger of sinking.

The five-member crew took to a life-raft about 80 miles south of the Cork coast and 60 miles off Land's End in Cornwall shortly after 2.30 p.m.

A helicopter from the Irish Marine Rescue Service, which flew over the area, located the life-raft. A Sea King helicopter from Wales was then alerted.


The Sea King picked up the five crewmen without difficulty and flew them to a hospital at Truro in Cornwall.

At one point the Naval Service vessel LE Aoife was diverted towards the crippled French trawler.