From bullets to ballots: the road to elections

April 9th 2003  - Three weeks after US and British forces invade from Kuwait, US troops sweep into central Baghdad as Saddam…

April 9th 2003 - Three weeks after US and British forces invade from Kuwait, US troops sweep into central Baghdad as Saddam Hussein's three-decade rule crumbles into chaos and looting.

July 13th - The Iraqi Governing Council - 25 Iraqis chosen under US supervision - holds inaugural meeting.

December 13th - US troops seize Saddam near Tikrit. US governor Paul Bremer breaks news: "We got him."



March 8th - Governing Council signs interim constitution.

May 17th - Bomb kills Governing Council head.

June 1st - Governing Council dissolved to make way for interim government led by Iyad Allawi. Ghazi al-Yawar named president.

June 28th - US formally returns sovereignty to Allawi's government. Coalition Provisional Authority dissolves.

Bremer leaves Iraq.


Jan 30th - Shia-led coalition wins election for interim parliament. Most Sunnis fail to vote.

March 16th - National Assembly holds first meeting. On April 6th it elects Kurd Jalal Talabani as president and later approves cabinet led by Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a Shia.

August 22nd - Just before already delayed deadline, parliament accepts draft constitution opposed by many Sunni Arabs.

October 15th - Referendum ratifies constitution by 78 per cent, despite Sunni Arab opposition which nearly vetoes it.

October 19th - Saddam Hussein goes on trial.

December 15th - Parliamentary poll under new constitution.