Funeral of mobile home fire couple

THE MUSIC of Elvis Presley marked the funeral at the weekend of the couple who died in a fire at their mobile home in east Galway…

THE MUSIC of Elvis Presley marked the funeral at the weekend of the couple who died in a fire at their mobile home in east Galway.

The family of Christy and Janey Ward were joined by hundreds of mourners at the funeral, which took place in Mountbellew parish - where both were originally from.

The couple, who were parents of a large family, had been living in Poolboy, outside Ballinasloe town, and died from smoke inhalation when a fire broke out in their mobile home early last Wednesday.

Relatives from Ireland and Britain paid tribute to the couple, who were members of the Travelling community.


Mountbellew parish priest Fr Pádraic O'Connor said that their death was "tragic, beyond description".

The couple had been widely loved, and Mr Ward was a "latter-day Elvis" who was known for his song-writing and his Stetson hat.

Photos of the couple's family were placed on the coffins at the altar, along with Mr Ward's hat, and many wreaths. Fr O'Connor said that Mr Ward's favourite music would be played at the conclusion of the service - that of Elvis Presley.

In heavy rain, the coffins were borne from the church to Mountbellew Cemetery.