Further British army abuse claims emerge

A fourth British soldier has come forward claiming to have further evidence about British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners - including…

A fourth British soldier has come forward claiming to have further evidence about British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners - including more allegations that "trophy photos" were taken.

This morning's Daily Mirrornewspaper, carries a front page picture allegedly provided by a soldier from the troubled Queen's Lancashire Regiment.

The picture allegedly shows a soldier photographing a bound captive with bloodied teeth in the back of an armoured personnel carrier.

The paper says it is "damning proof" that soldiers took "trophy photos" of Iraqi prisoners being abused.


Soldier "D" told the paper: "There are no rules out there. I saw the man dragged into the vehicle beaten up, kicked and punched. It lasted about a minute.

"I took the picture as I opened the doors of the vehicle and could see dirt on his shirt and blood on his teeth."

And he claimed soldiers took photos and video footage to look tough and prove to friends what had happened.

He told the Daily Mirror: "You'd come back from Iraq and people wouldn't know what you've been through.

"If you had pictures you could show them. While we were out there we were told to get rid of all of them. But if they'd done a proper search they'd have found CDs and all sorts of things.

"There was one CD going round our room with about 500 shots on it. Some were before and after pictures of beatings."room with about 500 shots on it. Some were before and after pictures of beatings."