Garda attacked by dogs after drugs seized in Galway

GARDAÍ IN Galway are preparing files for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), following a drugs seizure in which a member…

GARDAÍ IN Galway are preparing files for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), following a drugs seizure in which a member of the force was attacked by three dogs.

A 40-year-old officer received 100 stitches to his left leg when he was set upon by the three dogs, including two pit bull terriers.

He was part of a team of gardaí from Mill Street station which was searching a house on Dominic’s Road in the Claddagh area of the city late last week.

Seven adults were on the premises at the time, and three had been searched individually when the attack took place.


The injured garda was taken to University College Hospital, Galway where he was operated on. It is understood he is making a good recovery.

Two of the dogs were put down, during which another garda received minor bite injuries.

A subsequent search of the house resulted in heroin with a potential street value of €4,000 being seized by gardaí.

Gardaí said yesterday that five people had been released without charge, and another two men were subsequently arrested.

A Garda spokesman said files on all seven were being prepared for the DPP.