Gardai believe man shot in error

Gardai investigating a shooting in Drogheda in which a 47year-old man was shot in the leg after being told to lie on the ground…

Gardai investigating a shooting in Drogheda in which a 47year-old man was shot in the leg after being told to lie on the ground by two men wearing balaclavas believe it may have been mistaken identity.

The men forced their way into the house where the man lived alone just before 4 a.m. yesterday and made their way to his bedroom. They told him to lie on the floor and then shot him once in the leg. He underwent surgery in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda. A hospital spokeswoman said he was ill but stable yesterday afternoon.

Gardai were alerted by the man himself, who dialled 999. A garda involved in the investigation said the man lived at Liam Leech Terrace all his life and was in receipt of an invalidity pension. "He was totally innocent, a harmless chap." He confirmed the intruders did not take anything.

Gardai believe it may have been a case of mistaken identity and are expected to interview the victim later in the week.