Gardai injured by dogs during house search

A Garda received 100 stitches after he was attacked by two pitbulls and another dog during a search at a house in Galway, where…

A Garda received 100 stitches after he was attacked by two pitbulls and another dog during a search at a house in Galway, where heroin worth about €4,000 was later uncovered. A second garda was injured when he returned to the house with a dog warden.

Gardai said today the incident took place on Thursday night when uniformed and drug unit members from Galway city Garda station went to search a house on Dominic’s Road.

Seven adults were in the house at the time and three of them were being searched when gardaí were attacked by two pitbull dogs and one other breed of dog, a Garda statement said.

“A Garda member was subject to an attack that lasted for a number of minutes and he received injuries to his left leg. He was taken to University College Hospital Galway where he was operated on and received 100 stitches.”


The Garda is about 40 years old.

Four adults who were not searched in the house were arrested and taken to Galway Garda station, where they were searched.

“All searches of the seven persons proved negative. However, a follow-up search of the house in question yielded a quantity of heroin that, subject to analysis, has a potential street value of €4, 000,” the statement added.

The scene was preserved and a dog warden, accompanied by gardai, went to the house yesterday morning.

Two dogs were put down and another Garda received minor bite injuries to one of his legs during the process, the Garda statement said.

A man and a woman were arrested yesterday morning in relation to the drugs seizure and they are being held at Galway Garda station for questioning under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.

Three men were arrested this morning in Galway in relation to the seizure. Two are being held at Tuam Garda station, while the third is being questioned at Loughrea station.