Gardaí investigate Co Clare arms find

Gardaí in Clare were last night investigating the discovery of what they believe to be a home-made rocket launcher as well as…

Gardaí in Clare were last night investigating the discovery of what they believe to be a home-made rocket launcher as well as weapons and ammunition.

The weapons were found yesterday afternoon after gardaí carried out the search at Cratloe Woods, a popular beauty spot a short distance from Limerick city.

The operation lasted several hours, but turned up a small quantity of explosives, several firearms, ammunition and "other items".

In total gardaí discovered two shotguns, four revolvers and three rifles, as well as the home-made rocket launcher.


A "small" quantity of explosives was also recovered.

The cache will be sent to Garda headquarters in the Phoenix Park, Dublin for more detailed analysis.

The Garda spokesman confirmed no arrests were made.